Documentary Film Pitch

This was my initial idea to do a documentary for the film opening on tattoos and then my group decided to take my idea on and add what they had too it. So Ben had an idea for drama with culture, we are going to include culture as a focus of the tattoo documentary and then Aaron' film was very artsy (similar to Tree of Life) so we decided to incorporate these artsy shots to the look of some parts of the doc intro.

We used my initial presentation and adapted it for our group presentation...

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Feedback and Amendments

The genre was clear from the film pitch...most likely because i said straight away in the first slide that it is a documentary, along with the premise.
Our target audience was thought to be a good age range of 16-early 20, but I think there would still be those of an older generation interested in this documentary.
It was understood that the characters would not be fictional but real life people that we are going to interview. And that the setting would be within a tattoo parlour and other places, it is unknown to us at the moment of which tattoo parlour we will be gong to be filming in.
Most people said on feedback that there was little to no enigma and we thought that we would create enigma by hinting at the tattoo narrative with pictures of tattoos, tattooed you tubers coming up etc.
People thought it was similar in the way it was going to be filmed like TV Documentaries but then other people had never watched any real documentaries so had nothing to compare it too.

In the comments people asked...

How will you make it less like a T.V program?

  • I will make it less like a T.V reality tv documentary mix (for example 24hrs in A&E) by using the conventions of documentary films and making it a little bit more formal with the interviews, less reality being watched from spy cameras etc and more professional interviews and filming and then on top of that a lot of cinematic artsy shots to add to the film likeness of the documentary.

What is the message of our film?

  • The message of our film is mentioned in the first few slides, the messages in this society of conforming with trend and pop culture why do we get tattoos? is it still for individualism or just going with the trend? And then what is the impact of getting a tattoo? Like with employment discrimination and such things.