Film Pitch


  1. The Title was seen widely as relevant to the story/genre and intriguing to how it applies to the story line. A good film title.
  2. The character could appeal to anyone, the choice of having Robert De Nero worked well because he is an older actor that OAP's would maybe of seen in other films.
  3. Interest was created for the audience use of enigma codes such as the question of what will the character change? What would I change? How does this affect the characters future?
  4. The narrative is suitable for our audience and will apparently attract much interest with its originality of story, revolving around an older characters life.
  5. Narrative fits the genre loosely so would be better to advertise as a sci-fi hybrid with dram or something. The only real sci-fi part to the story is travelling through time and how it affects the future.
  6. People said it is like about time but the only similarity between our film and that one is time travel, by this logic it is like all films and shows that involve time travel, but the majority said it was different sort of film and i think this stems from following an older character for a change.
  7. The marketing and advertising of the film in places where OAP's would see was taken well, for example bus stop billboards, on day time t.v and just generally in newspapers and magazines.
Overall the pitch was taken well we provided all the information that was needs except for amood board and overall we didn't include much visual aspects to the presentation like with images, it was very text based which doesn't keep attention of watchers.