Genre Photo Task

Genre Stills Task - Taking picture trying to embody a Genre of a film in a picture. Our genres were : Seasonal, Drama, Teen, Comedy and Family.

Seasonal - I tried to show the seasonal film genre by using the props of a Christmas tree to represent that it is Christmas season and then the teddy bear being held by the "child" to imply that is it is a Christmas present that would be given in the Christmas Season.

Comedy - These are a collection of photos to show comedy in the most classic form. Somebody falling over from slipping on a banana because in some really bad comedies people fall over and it is funny.

Family - This picture evokes the genre of Family though a big, laughing loving, family trying to all get under an umbrella. This shows the classic family film type of love and laughs.
Drama - From this still you get the sense of drama because it is very bare and leaves the viewers to have there own interpretation to what is going on i.e. An outsider in his community, standing alone, looking out iin to the distance metaphorically looking to a better a future that we will follow him on as a viewer or literally looking at those that he is different to.

Teen - This genre is shown through what is a gibbon in teen life and most teen films, a love triangle of two guys and one girl, the men fighting over the girl and who deserves the relationship or how both guys wanting the girl and how it is going to break the relationship she has with the guys by pulling her to one side.