
Independent VS Mainstream Film

The only numbers collected for going to see a film are 16-24 year olds and the cinema only really makes money from Popcorn and drinks.

Distributors get your film in the cinema. Its really hard to get an independent film in a cinema because the cinema knows less people will go in to see it which means less money spent on popcorn, so sometimes the distributors have to pay the cinema to get it shown. It works the other way with Mainstream films, and the cinema will be making most of there money from popcorn once again.

The Big Six

Independent Films 

  • More about art and cultural expression.
  • They are supposed to make you think and ask questions
  • Heard about mostly by word of mouth, small time.
  • Niche.
  • Mass audiences.
  • Looking to make money.
  • Appeal to everybody. Makes you laugh, makes you cry & makes you happy.

Films work though months and when its best to release films :::

September - Bad film month for Blockbusters because everyone is back to work, summer is over but a good time for indi films because there isn't much competition for their films to be seen.
October - February - Award for Films, Christmas films.
March - August - Popcorns selling! Blockbuster film releases for mass watching.