Evidence of Planning Prelim Task

 Before we filmed the Prelim video we did a recce of possible locations for the filming, we thought as it is a story of two boys falling out, why not film it in a school environment? So we went around taking pictures of possible shots and where to film stuff.

Planning of Shots...

Our beginning shot of the storyboard was of someone walking down a corridor so we got a picture of what we thought the shot would look like.

Another shot we know we needed to get was of our character making his way to meeting his friend so this was a chance to get different angles, so we checked what it would look like to get a high angle of walking up the stairs and decided we would use that.

Then we would use some low angle shots to show the travel up the stairs, we also thought this would show the tension with just the sound of the steps going up the stairs.

The character would then walk to the room.

The character would go to open the door...

Then a close up of opening the door...

And a match on action of that happening, we were making sure to get/look at what we needed to be trying to do to hit the criteria of the Prelim.

Reaction of the second character and then they would meet within this shot as well.

The over the shoulder shot reverse shot concersation.

Then we looked at an ending and we thought as the character fall out one of them would walk out, and to show this lonelyness that the character would now have we walked him across an empty space.