Summary of Juno Task

  • Did you get all the footage you needed?
  • What went well - What I learnt - What I will take with me to the next production

What went well overall was that we managed to get all the necessary shots to make a video that was very similar to the JUNO Intro, we worked well as a team - everyone had their roles and stuck to them and we just flowed through the filming process, we finished filming within the hour of our lesson showing our efficiency in filming, had the necessary costume etc this made it possible to make the video happen to its full potential.

What did not go well was that I did not put enough detail on to my storyboard which hindered us in the future filming when we didn't have access to watching the Original Juno Video to copy the shots and I did not stick to the timings that I had made on my storyboard for the urgency that we needed to film I chucked out getting the right length of shots.

So now in future productions I will make sure to know my shots in and out, have the detail on the storyboard of shot length and the composition of the shots etc and finally to understand sometimes you have other days to film.