Technical Skills Juno Task

  • What technical skills either camera or premiere did you learn? How does it compare to the original?

My Camera work was a bit more shaky compared to the original this would be because the original Juno was most likely filmed using steady cam or tracks on the ground to roll the camera along to get a nice steady shot where as ours was shot just on a tripod relying on my steady hand which will never be as steady as a professional steady cam. I did learn that for low shots like filming the legs and then having to track them walking it was much easier to film if I held the tripod and camera upside down and used the reversible screen to see what I was filming, by doing this I could get a much lower angle.

I held the tripod similar to this(for perspective)

When editing with premier I was unable to find any video effects that looked similar to the cartoon likeness that was in the Juno Film so this is one disadvantage that came with the editing. some shots I had to slow down to make them work with the timing of the walking of the original and the was very evident when watching the video, where as in the original they would not of slowed down any of the shots or if they did it is very hard to see. Some transition in between shot were hard to copy for my video but I got some of the simple ones like the wipe and all my shots are in time with the cuts, I made sure  to use markers on the timeline and in the viewing window so I could cut them appropriately.

You can see my markers on my timeline that I used for reference.