The Storyboard and Group Juno Task

1)You are editing your own footage - how the filming go?

The use of a story board made filming much easier but one problem I encountered was forgetting to say what was actually happening in enough detail for every scene so most of the scene movement was directed from memory (from watching the intro to make the story board) rather than from the story board. This equaled in some of the shots only just being long enough or only looking kind of similar to the original or the shots not being long enough at all.
2) Was your storyboard accurate?

My storyboard was accurate to a certain degree meaning it had the look of the scene (Mise en scene - setting) in the drawing box and it said what type of shot and angle the frame was, the setting was obviously different but similarities could be drawn with certain parts from the scene like with the tree being a stopping point for the tracking shot in the first 10 seconds of the video ::::


As I said before a few shots were a little wrong like feet facing the wrong way in our low angle shot

and obviously the background could never be completely the same in any of our shot but it is was is in the mid ground i.e. the main character is always doing what would be seen in the real video. Some shots were not recorded for long enough, sometimes the actor walked too fast compared to the real Juno video, small things like this that could be helped by watching the video during filming which we were unable to do at the time.

3) What were your strengths and weaknesses in the group?
I feel like there were no real strengths or weaknesses in my group, we all played our parts and worked cohesively together.

  • I worked the camera and the directing of the shots from the story board.
  • Harry was my camera assistant and directing assistant, backing me up on the layout of shots and making sure I chose right for the scene movement and setting. 
  • Sophie was our actor playing the character of the girl, she worked well with the instructions that me and harry gave her.